
  • Cyber Security
  • Cyber Essentials
  • Cyber Essentials Plus
  • IT Automation
  • IT Compliance
  • CRM databases
  • CRM Management
  • CRM Systems
  • VM Management
  • Cyber Essentials applications
  • Cyber Awareness Training
  • Cyber Incident Response
  • Cyber Insurance
  • Data Backup
  • IT Audit
  • IT Security
  • IT Solutions
  • IT Support
  • IT Support & Advice
  • Data warehousing
  • Technology Consulting
  • Tech Support
  • Technology Deployment
  • Website and Development
  • IT Strategy
  • Penetration Testing
  • Cloud Backup
  • Cloud adoption and planning
  • Cloud and On-premise
  • Phishing Awareness Training
  • Network Security
  • Ransomware


BTRS is a global technology consultancy. We believe in a world where seamless technology powers business creativity.


We work with both SMEs and corporates, either independently or as an extension of your team. We bring cutting-edge insights and services that are bespoke, thorough, and long-term, allowing you to focus on your day-to-day success.

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