
Navigating Success: Long-term Health Improvements

Navigating Success: Long-term Health Improvements

Navigating Success: Long-term Health Improvements

In 1998 a ground-breaking study carried out by Dr Vincent Felitti and Robert Andas clearly demonstrated the inextricable link between the level of adversity and trauma experienced in childhood and the illnesses that emerge in adults.  You are neurologically landscaped for:

  • 20% increased risk of auto-immune disease such as Fibromyalgia,
  • 600% increased risk of suffering from chronic fatigue/ME and long covid,
  • 200% increased risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease

and are at greater risk of falling prey to anxiety, depression, bereavement, loss and being trapped in a difficult relationship.

But, do you also know there’s a gentle remedy for this, a trauma recovery which, in a spirit of loving curiosity will enable you, quietly and easily, to reframe your past experiences and move on?

When I lost my father, 20 years ago, I reserved a special place for all those things I was unable to make a decision on; I mean how can you throw away a 94-year collection of GPO Rubber Bands and the empty envelopes of a lifetime’s received post; both meticulously filed in Chocolate Boxes!

But I had previously closed the door on my childhood and got especially annoyed (read furious) at the suggestion of sorting through the old photographs!  Coincidentally, in 1992 I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease.

It took a while for the penny to drop, but when it did, I found resolving these unconscious triggers to be life changing.  I am now enjoying going through the old photos and have more joy in my heart than ever before.  This is a complete turnaround

If you’re somewhere you don’t want to be in your daily life, relationships, emotions or habitual thoughts, you may have childhood trauma (with a small t) which is holding you back.  To release the charge on it, will change your life forever. 

As I always say: It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

I’ve produced a PDF that explains childhood adversity and how to recover from it.  Would you like a copy?  Just email, DM or text me and I’ll get it to you.

If this post has brought anything up for you, DM or text me for a quick chat.


e: [email protected]
t:  078 3638 6735
w: www.wellbeingdynamics.com

  • #wellness
  • #stress
  • #chronicfatigue
  • #adversechildhoodexperience
Wellbeing Dynamics Wellbeing Coach

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