
Do you waste 5 out of 7 days every Week?

Lee Taylor, Scale & Grow Pro Business Coach & Mentor

Do you waste 5 out of 7 days every Week?

How I lived for the weekend and wasted 5 out of 7 days a week

When I look back on my younger years (yes I can remember that far back) I do so with mixed emotions.


So why mixed emotions? Let me explain.

When I was younger I hated my job but I didn’t do anything about it. I stayed where I was because it was what I was told to do. I was taught, get a job and work as hard as you can to climb up the ladder then get paid more money. 

So I tried to do just that but always knew it wasn’t the life for me. I wanted to earn more money but never believed I was educated enough to work at a ‘Big Paying Firm’ so I sought local jobs with not much prospects and pay. Working for small firms never excited me so I had to find my excitement elsewhere.

Instead of challenging myself to do better and work with what I had, I just lived for the weekends. I went through the motions 5 days a week and went mad for 2 days a week. I had so much fun on a Friday evening and weekends this became what life was all about. 

I would wake up Monday morning and think about how to get through the week so I could enjoy life starting the following Friday evening. 

And this is what I have mixed emotions about. Don't get me wrong I wouldn’t change a thing. The thought of making changes and maybe never meeting my wife or having my kids scares me. 

But I can’t help wondering where I could be if I had made every day count. I know I can’t change  the past and neither can you. All any of us can do is the best we can TODAY! with what we have got right now. 

With this in mind and to make sure I have no regrets in the future I try to do the best I can every day, wherever I am with what I have. 

I don’t dream about the future, I make things happen. I don’t waste time, I make the most of time and I don’t tell myself I need something before I can start doing the things I want, I make the most with what I have and increase what I have as I go along. 

So if you are stuck in a dead end job or your business isn’t doing as well as you want, don’t waste time going through the motions just to live a little on the weekends. Life is worth more than that.

Instead do this:-

Make a decision to - Do the best you can, Where you are with What you have got. 

When you do this you will start performing at a much higher level. Your income will improve and so will your business & life. You will get new found energy to enjoy every day instead of just 2 days a week. 

By just making a conscious decision to do your best will be one of the best decisions you will ever make.

It worked for me and my many coaching clients. 

  • Self development
  • Business
  • Time Management
  • Life and Business Coach
Lee Taylor Scale & Grow Pro Business Coach & Mentor


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